making our way towards a pond

a beaver has moved into this pond. His activity wasn't here last year

well we didn't fish much as they got preoccupied with exploring around so we hit another spot with some pine trees that we could setup our relaxation camp for a bit. Kids were ready to kick their boots off

I forgot I broke Jack's aluminum toggles the last trip, weight limit issues, so we had to make some "organic" toggles. haha!

used the Littlbug Jr. wood stove this trip. No sharp tools for the fire. Used the pine needles and dry grass for starter and snapped twigs. Quick and easy.

hot chocolate and some instant coffee espresso

now time to kick back and take in the tree top view from a hammock

Jack was close to dozing off in this pic. Easy to do out here with a warm belly of hot chocolate

quick camp shot before take down. It was getting dark and the kids wanted to cruise in the truck for deer spotting.

fire put out and covered

hammocks lined up

all packed up and heading out

thanks for looking